
BOOK V - Zep Tepi - The First Time

© Copyright Peter Crawford 2014
Temple of Edfu
On the walls of the Edfu Temple, the story of Zep Tepi displays the rule of we, the Archons, who came to Egypt and proceeded to give the people of the Nile the benefits of civilization and agriculture. 
The bringers of this high civilisation were called the Urshu, who appeared in human form.
They had the appearance and sensation of transcendent health and vigour, and it was difficult for a sentient, material being, even though advanced in occultism, to support the presence of an Æon for any length of time.
The incarnated Æons also invoked in those sentient, material beings who had any connection with them various psychic phenomena, including theomorphic and zoomorphic halucinations.

Such hallucinations were responsible for the representations of the Neteru (Æons) as animal forms, or human forms with animal heads.
The Egyptians called us Neteru.

'Venerables of Shemsu Hor, 13,420 years, and reigns before the Shemsu-Hor, 23,200 years; Total 36,620 years.' Interestingly, the first radio-metrically dated remains of modern Cro-magnon man is dated to around 35,000 years ago. There is evidence that a significant hike in stellar radiation recorded in Greenland ice cores might also have instigated an acceleration in human evolution around that time. The Edfu inscriptions detail several different phases of original creation, including, "Specification of the Sacred Mounds," "The Coming of Re to his Mansion of Mes-nehet," and "Offering the Lotus."

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Geographically, the location the Edfu texts allude to as the point where the Neteru made their presence known was the "Ain Shams", otherwise known as the "Eye of the Sun" or "Fountain of the Sun".
Sacred Lotus
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The Egyptian symbol for the "Eye of the Sun" was the sacred lotus floating in a pool of limpid water.

The Egyptian Blue Water-lily, N. caerulea, opens its flowers in the morning and then sinks beneath the water at dusk, while the Egyptian White Water-lily, N. lotus, flowers at night and closes in the morning. This symbolizes the Egyptian separation of deities and is a motif associated with Egyptian beliefs concerning death and the afterlife. The recent discovery of psychedelic properties of the blue lotus may also have been known to the Egyptians and explain its ceremonial role.

The Lotus in the center pool was replaced by the djed pillar, constructed of reeds.

The djed symbol is one of the more ancient and commonly found symbols in Egyptian mythology. It is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability. It is associated with Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead. It is commonly understood to represent his spine.
The djed hieroglyph was a pillar-like symbol that represented stability.
The djed is an Aryan symbol associated with the Germanic Irminsul.

The pillar served as the perch of the nameless god known as "The One", which then took on the form of a falcon.
Djed Pillar
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Two new powerful falcons then came to the Djed, one named Nefer-Hor, "the Sanctified Ruler," and Heter-Hor, "the Winged One," both whose faces shone with divine light and brilliance.
Both are the ka and ba spirit doubles of the original Falcon at the center respectively, who also possess two separate doubles themselves, bringing the total number of rulers of the island to five.

The Ka was the Egyptian concept of vital essence, that which distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person, with death occurring when the ka left the body. The Egyptians believed that Khnum created the bodies of children on a potter's wheel and inserted them into their mothers' bodies. Depending on the region, Egyptians believed that Heket or Meskhenet was the creator of each person's Ka, breathing it into them at the instant of their birth as the part of their soul that made them be alive. This resembles the concept of spirit in other religions.
The 'Ba' is in some regards the closest to the contemporary Western religious notion of a soul, but it also was everything that makes an individual unique, similar to the notion of 'personality'. Like a soul, the 'Ba' is an aspect of a person that the Egyptians believed would live after the body died, and it is sometimes depicted as a human-headed bird flying out of the tomb to join with the 'Ka' in the afterlife.

Another company of Falcons then emerged from the primeval waters and perched upon reeds surrounding the center djed pillar.
The avians then erected the first temple  - 'Place of the First One' - to contain the djed pillar.
Simultaneously, an enclosure was built around the edges of the center pool, called the "field of reeds".
Within the Temple, powerful relics were placed within the god's sanctuary, now named "Mansion of Isden", a square construct fashioned from bundles of reeds.
The Temple was the place of becoming for the Neter (Aeon) called Osiris and the Neteru (Aeons) Isis, Nephtys, Sokar, Horus, Thoth and myself - Anubis-Upuaut.
This was the First Time, when the Neteru established Ma'at.
© Copyright Peter Crawford 2014

Ma'at was the word the Egyptians used for the concept that regulated the stars, seasons, law, religion customs the arts and the sciences, and the actions of all sentient beings.
If a civilisation and a race conforms to the requirements of Ma'at then that race and that civilisation shall live in peace and harmony with the cosmic forces, and will prosper.
To the great and supreme powers, the attributes of the ineffable ONE,  the Egyptians gave the name neteru.
We, the neteru, are the living energies.
We are the causal powers, and are called by many names including αρχέτυπο (Archetypes), Conscious Thought Forms, Creative Energies, κυρίων (Lords), and λάμπει αυτά (Shining Ones).
In the Egyptian language the term Neteru means 'strong' or mighty'.

Dendera Zodiac
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While the word Neteru does not mean 'god', the ancient Egyptians looked upon the incarnated Aeons as Gods, and because the Aeons, and in particular the Aeon  they called ḏḥwty (Thoth - ˈθoʊθ) taught them all that they were able to comprehend about the starry heavens and astronomy, they believed that the Neteru came from the stars.

Cartouche of Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr)
© Copyright Peter Crawford 2014

This belief continued for thousands of years, and is still evident in the Temple of the Aeon Hathor at Dendera, which was constructed during the reign of the Greek Ptolemaic Pharaohs.

Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ (Ptolomey Soter I - Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr) , also known as Ptolemy Lagides, c. 367 BC – c. 283 BC, was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323 BC – 283 BC) and founder of both the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. In 305/4 BC he took the title of Pharaoh.

The Ancient Egyptians also decriibed the Aeon Thoth as:

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the 'One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth'
the 'Reckoner of Times and of Seasons'
the one who 'Measured out the Heavens and Planned the Earth'
he was 'He who Balances'
the 'God of the Equilibrium' and 'Master of the Balance'
'The Lord of the Divine Body'
'Scribe of the Company of the gods (Aeons)'
the 'Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge, Both Human and Divine'

he who understood 'all that is hidden under the heavenly vault'

And so, in this way, the Ancient Egyptian civilisation emerged 'fully formed', unlike any other civilisation on earth.
All other civilisations 'created' by sentient beings pass through numerous stages of development - progressing, and sometimes, for a moment in time regressing, until they reach a 'flowering' - at which point they decline, or are 'cut down' by some other competing civilisation.
The ancient Egyptian civilisation and culture, because it was created by the Aeons, emerged fully formed at the point of 'flowering', and then, over endless thousands of years, declined, until it was swallowed up by what is termed Hellenistic culture, and later, by the power of Rome - both of which actually owed their origins to the civilisation and culture formed by the Aeons in Egypt.
And so the gifts of the Aeons lived on in what is known as 'classical civilisation', and emerged again in later times.

Alexandria - Egypt
Alexander the Great
Arno Breker
Hellenistic civilization (Greek civilization beyond classical Greece) represents the zenith of Greek influence in the ancient world from 323 BC to about 146 BC (or arguably as late as 30 BC). Hellenistic civilization was preceded by the Classical Hellenic period, and followed by Roman rule over the areas Greece had earlier dominated – even though much of Greek culture, religion, art and literature still permeated Rome's rule, whose elite spoke and read Greek as well as Latin.
The spread of Hellenistic cultures was sparked by the conquests of Alexander the Great. After his victory over the Persian Empire, Hellenistic kingdoms were established throughout south-west Asia (the 'Near' and 'Middle East') and north-east Africa (ancient Egypt and Cyrene in ancient Libya). This resulted in the export of Greek culture and language to these new realms, and moreover Greek colonists themselves. Equally, however, these new kingdoms were influenced by the indigenous cultures, adopting local practices where beneficial, necessary or convenient.

© Copyright Peter Crawford 2014

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